Luiz Augusto Azevedo Sette
01Feb 2021
Committed to the development of our internal talents, it is with great satisfaction that we announce our three new partners: Bruno Felippe Almeida, Danielle Chipranski Cavalcante, and Juliana Petrella Hansen who work in the Tax Consulting, Dispute Resolution, and Labor areas,...
05Oct 2020
Azevedo Sette in LACCA Approved 2021, a ranking by LACCA - The Latin American Corporate Counsel Association an international association that brings together leading in-house counsel working in the...
03Sep 2020
Azevedo Sette was recognized by Chambers Latin America guide as reference in several...
02Jul 2020
Azevedo Sette was legal advisor to Vita Participações S/A in the acquisition of 64,3% of the capital stock of Instituto de Hematologia de Goiânia...
16Mar 2020
Dear Clients and Friends, | We are following the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic with the utmost attention and care. In our office we have been advised several clients already on the risks and precaution matters related to COVID-19....
31Jan 2020
Azevedo Sette was legal advisor to Vita Participações S/A in the acquisition of 100% of the capital stock of Hemolad Serviços de Hemoterapia e Hematologia Ltda. Amount involved is confidential. Closed in February...
06Nov 2019
Azevedo Sette was legal advisor to Vita Participações S/A in the acquisition of 90% of the capital stock of Laboratório Integrado de Análises Clinicas do Rio de Janeiro. Amount involved is confidential. Closed in October...
12Sep 2019
Azevedo Sette is recognized as leading law firm in Compliance, Competition and Antitrust, Corporate M&A, Dispute Resolution (including White-Collar crime), Energy and Natural Resources: Mining, Environment, Insurance, International Trade and Customs, Labour and Employment,...