Luiz Augusto Azevedo Sette
16Aug 2019
Azevedo Sette Advogados was the legal advisor to CGN group in Brazil, in the process of obtaining lenders’ consent for change of control in the acquisition by CGN Energy International Holdings Co., Limited through its subsidiary in Brazil of 100% of the shares held by Actis...
15Aug 2019
Azevedo Sette was recognized by Chambers Latin America guide as reference in several...
15Aug 2019
Azevedo Sette Advogados has 14 partners recognized as reference in Corporate M&A, Arbitration, Litigation, Tax, Intellectual Property, Administrative Law, Anti-corruption e Compliance, Intellectual Property Law, and Tax practices in internacional legal guide LACCA Approved,...
31Jul 2019
Azevedo Sette Advogados advised CGN Energy International Holdings Co., Limited through its subsidiary in Brazil in the acquisition of 100% of the shares held by Actis Brasil Energia Fundo de Investimento em Participações Multiestratégia in Atlantic Energias Renováveis...
17Jul 2019
Our partners Frederico Bopp Dieterich (Infrastructure and Administrative Law), Luiz Sette (Corporate M&A), Ricardo Barretto (TMT), Ana Paula Terra (Corporate M&A), Isabel Franco (Compliance and White-Collar), and Leandra Guimarães...
19Jun 2019
Azevedo Sette Advogados was the legal advisor to CGN group in Brazil, in the process of obtaining lenders’ consent for change of control in the acquisition by CGN Energy International Holdings Co., Limited of 100% of the equity held by ENEL GREEN POWER BRASIL PARTICIPAÇÕES...
16Jun 2019
Azevedo Sette was legal advisor to Vita Participações S/A in the acquisition of 100% shares of private shareholder of the Instituto de Hematologia da Bahia. Closed on June 2019....
06Jun 2019
Eversheds Sutherland in London and Beijing and Azevedo Sette Advogados in Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte have helped China’s CGN Energy enter Latin America by purchasing two solar plants and a wind farm from Enel Green Power in Brazil for 2.9 billion reais (US$727...