News & Recent Work

Luiz Augusto Azevedo Sette

Azevedo Sette Advogados in Latin Lawyer 250 | Edition 2019

Time-tested mining specialists | When you have spent more than half a century not only surviving, but positively thriving within Latin America’s most challenging legal market, you are clearly doing something right. For Azevedo Sette, the secret to its success lies in a...

Azevedo Sette is recognized as the third most popular law firm in Latin America

The international publication LACCA (Latin American Corporate Counsel Association) just released their annual survey Who Represents Latin America’s Biggest Companies? and named Azevedo Sette Advogados as the third most popular firm in the region among the largest Corporations...

Azevedo Sette Advogados was counselor to Carmeuse Brasil Participações in acquisition

Azevedo Sette Advogados was legal advisor to Carmeuse in the acquisition...

Azevedo Sette listed in Leaders League 2019

The legal guide Leaders League 2019 recommended Azevedo Sette Advogados as reference in Large-Cap M&A, Corporate Law, Projects & Infrastructure, Environmental Law, Tax Litigation, Labor Counsel, Real Estate, Tax Counsel. Azevedo Sette’s partners Fernando Sette, Luis Miraglia,...

Azevedo Sette Advogados was counselor to Banco de Sangue Vita in acquisition

Azevedo Sette Advogados was counselor to Banco de Sangue Vita in the acquisition of 51% of the capital stock of Hematologistas Associados S.A, situated in Rio de Janeiro. The amount involved is confidential. Closed in October...

Azevedo Sette recognized in LACCA Approved 2019

Azevedo Sette Advogados has 16 partners recognized as reference in Corporate M&A, Banking & Finance, Arbitration, Litigation, Tax, Intellectual Property, and Administrative Law practices in internacional legal guide LACCA Approved, edition 2019....

Under Armor sells its Brazilian subsidiary to Vulcabras Azaleia

The multinational sports clothing and footwear manufacturer and marketer Under Armor reached an agreement to sell its Brazilian subsidiary UA Brasil Comércio e Distribuição de Artigos Esportivos to the Brazilian multinational of the same branch Vulcabras Azaleia -Ce...

Azevedo Sette advised Under Armour Brasil

Vulcabras Azaleia -Ce Calçados e Artigos Esportivos executed the acquisition of UA Brasil Comércio e Distribuiçao de Artigos Esportivos from Under...
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