News & Recent Work

Ricardo Barretto Ferreira da Silva

How did a cyber blackout at a single company affected the entire world?

What happened? Affecting banking, transportation, healthcare, and telecommunications systems across multiple countries, an incident at a cybersecurity company once again demonstrated that no cyber-system is...

MPF (Prosecution Office) and IDEC (Consumer Defense Institute) request a billion-real fine against WhatsApp for violating data subjects’ rights

In a public civil action (5018090-42.2024.4.03.6100) filed this Tuesday (07/16) at the Federal Regional Court of the 3rd Region in São Paulo, the MPF and IDEC request compensation of BRL 1.7 billion for collective moral damages, because of a violation of the data subjects’...

ANPD approves a Regulation on the Role of the Data Protection Officer (DPO)

The National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) approved and published, on Tuesday (07/16), the Regulation on the role of the Data Protection Officer - CD_ANPD Resolution No. 18, of July 16, 2024, published on the Brazilian Official Gazette (DOU) of July 17, 2024 - a role created...

In brief: telecoms regulation in Brazil

Regulatory and institutional structure Summarise the regulatory framework for the communications sector. Do any foreign ownership restrictions apply to communications...

AI and Personal Data | How may ANPD’s decision against Meta’s Privacy Policy affect you?

Do you or your company use Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Threads, or other Meta products? Does your business use AI and process personal data? Then do not miss reading this article, whether to learn about your rights as a personal data subject or to protect your company from...

Brazil now has a legal framework for electronic games

Do you or your company operate in the electronic games’ market? If so, be aware of the new law that establishes the legal framework for electronic games in Brazil, which is already in force with a robust set of rules for compliance and protection of the rights of children and...

Reflection on the use of Artificial Intelligence: Technological advances and the necessary protection of rights, principles, and values

Practically every day, for a few months now, a type of video generated by various AI tools has been circulating, with the perfect representation of a human being in their appearance, mannerisms, knowledge, voice, and movements. These videos with avatars that are close to the...

Payments of fixed-odds betting is regulated in Brazil

The Secretariat of Prizes and Betting (SPA) of the Ministry of Finance published an Ordinance with general rules on payment transactions carried out by virtual or physical fixed-odds betting operators in Brazil, following its Regulatory Agenda for 2024, previously commented by...