News & Recent Work


Brazil chapter for the Chambers International Trade Global Practice Guide 2025 – Trends and Developments

Our partners Luiz Eduardo Salles and Lucas Bianchini and associates Ana Clara Appolinário and Marco Chung contributed the Brazil chapter for the Chambers International Trade Global Practice Guide 2025 – Trends and Developments, edited by Chambers and Partners....

Changes to the Cybersecurity Regulation Applied to the Telecommunications Sector

Resolution No. 767 of the National Telecommunications Agency (“Anatel”), dated August 07, 2024 (“Resolution 767/2024”), recently came into force, introducing changes to the Cybersecurity Regulation Applied to the Communications Sector (“Regulation”), which, in turn,...

TELECOMS SERIES | Uncertainties in the Regulation of Poles Sharing

The uncertainties related to the sharing of poles between electricity concessionaires and telecommunications service providers continue and it may still take some time for the parties involved to reach a final consensus on the...

In brief: media law and regulation in Brazil

Broadcasting services in Brazil are regulated by Law No. 4,117/1962, the Telecommunications Code and Decree No. 52,795/1963, which approved the Broadcasting Services Regulation. Control of broadcasting services is incumbent upon the Ministry of Communications. The National...

In brief: telecoms regulation in Brazil

Summarise the regulatory framework for the communications sector. Do any foreign ownership restrictions apply to communications...

Measures to Combat Piracy and Irregularities in the Electronic Commerce of Telecommunications Equipment

For a long time, the National Telecommunications Agency (“Anatel”) has been consistently and firmly acting to combat piracy in the scope of telecommunications services, as well as to exclude from the market devices in non-compliance with the sector’s regulatory...

In brief: telecoms regulation in Brazil

Regulatory and institutional structure Summarise the regulatory framework for the communications sector. Do any foreign ownership restrictions apply to communications...

AI and Personal Data | How may ANPD’s decision against Meta’s Privacy Policy affect you?

Do you or your company use Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Threads, or other Meta products? Does your business use AI and process personal data? Then do not miss reading this article, whether to learn about your rights as a personal data subject or to protect your company from...