News & Recent Work

Danielle Chipranski Cavalcante

In brief: telecoms regulation in Brazil

Regulatory and institutional structure Summarise the regulatory framework for the communications sector. Do any foreign ownership restrictions apply to communications...

In brief: media law and regulation in Brazil

Regulatory and institutional structure Summarise the regulatory framework for the media sector in your jurisdiction. Broadcasting services in Brazil are regulated by Law No. 4,117/1962, the Telecommunications Code and Decree No. 52,795/1963, which approved the Broadcasting...

In brief: Media Law and Regulation in Brazil by Lexology

Take a look at some of the key features of the legal and regulatory framework governing the media sector in Brazil, including broadcast licensing requirements, ownership restrictions, advertising regulations and...

In brief: telecoms regulation in Brazil by Lexology

See the key features of the regulatory framework for the telecoms sector in Brazil, including licensing regimes, spectrum use, universal service obligations, data protection and much...

Media law and regulation in Brazil

The text outlines some of the key features of the legal and regulatory framework governing the media sector in Brazil, including broadcast licensing requirements, ownership restrictions, advertising regulations and...

Azevedo Sette Advogados on the LL 250 2023

The group’s wide-reaching offering does not compromise the detailed and deep knowledge held by its lawyers. The cohort won praise from clients for its capacity for handling incredibly complex matters and bringing both local and globally minded solutions to the table. The firm...

Authors of Brazil chapter in the Media Law and Regulation guide published by Lexology

Our TMT practice leader and senior partner, Ricardo Barretto Ferreira, with contribution of partner Danielle Cavalcante, the Privacy and Data Protection coordinator Lorena Pretti Serraglio and associate Sylvia Elgg are the authors of Brazil chapter in the Media Law and...

Two firms involved in an acquisition by Figueiredo Group

Azevedo Sette Advogados was the legal advisor of Figueiredo Group in the acquisition of a farm for agrobusiness located in the State of Piauí, through the acquisition of 100% of São João do Pirajá Empreendimentos e Participações (Holding) stock equity, the sole...