News & Recent Work

News ASA

How did a cyber blackout at a single company affected the entire world?

What happened? Affecting banking, transportation, healthcare, and telecommunications systems across multiple countries, an incident at a cybersecurity company once again demonstrated that no cyber-system is...

MPF (Prosecution Office) and IDEC (Consumer Defense Institute) request a billion-real fine against WhatsApp for violating data subjects’ rights

In a public civil action (5018090-42.2024.4.03.6100) filed this Tuesday (07/16) at the Federal Regional Court of the 3rd Region in São Paulo, the MPF and IDEC request compensation of BRL 1.7 billion for collective moral damages, because of a violation of the data subjects’...

Azevedo Sette is recognized as reference in Private Wealth Law in Chambers High Net Worth guide 2024

What the Team is Known For Azevedo Sette Advogados advises high net worth individuals, family offices and financial institutions on tax, succession and inheritance...

Data Protection Authority (ANPD) publishes regulation for reporting security incidents

Resolution CD/ANPD No. 15, issued on April 26, 2024, represents a significant step forward in the implementation of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in Brazil. The Security Incident Reporting Regulation establishes clear and detailed guidelines for dealing with situations...

Ebook - Mining Industry: Challenges and Solutions

Our partners Leonardo Lamego and Gabriela Salazar with contribuition of senior associate Svetlana Miranda are editors of the ebook Mining Industry: Challenges and...

Deadline for holding the Annual Shareholders´ Meeting until April 30, 2024

What must be done? All limited liability companies and corporations, regardless of their size, must hold, annually, the respective Annual Shareholders’ or Members Meeting, as stipulated by articles 1,078 of Law 10,406/2002 (“Code Civil”) and 132 of Law 6,404/1976...

Electronic Judicial Domicile and the mandatory registration of Medium and Large-sized Companies

According to an initiative of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), progress has been made in the implementation of the Justice 4.0 Program, so that all summonses and subpoenas/notices directed to companies will now be carried out through a single digital platform, imposing...

Ebook | Mining Industry: Challenges and Solutions

Mining is an activity of undeniable relevance in Brazil and, as an industry of all industries, it enables and drives the country’s economic and social development. The mineral sector is responsible for a significant share in the Brazilian trade balance and tax collection,...