News & Recent Work

Ricardo Barretto Ferreira da Silva

Australias federal court fines Meriton for trying to prevent guests from posting negative opinions on TripAdvisor

Australias federal court has fined the Meriton Property Services hotel chain, one of the largest in the country, at $ 2.2 million for trying to prevent guests from posting negative opinions about the networks services on the TripAdvisor site. The court found that such conduct...

India is heading towards the adoption of a Data Protection Law

Following the global trend of protecting citizens’ data in a more robust way, India will be one of the next countries to have a Data Protection Law. Check out the main points of the Bill here....

SP | Seminar | Brazilian Data Protection Law

SÃO PAULO, July 31, 2018 | The purpose of our seminar is to discuss the new Brazilian Data Protection Law, recently approved by the Federal Senate, going through the main points and adequacy measures to be implemented by...

Google is fined for breach of European Union’s antitrust rules

European Union’s antitrust rules. According to the European Commission, Google imposed unlawful restrictions on device manufacturers and operators of mobile networks to consolidate its dominant position as Internet search engine. In particular,...

Brazilian Prosecutors’ Office opens a Civil Inquiry involving YouTube

The Brazilian Prosecutors’ Office from Federal District and Territories (MPDFT) opened a Civil Inquiry to investigate how YouTube processes private information of Brazilian children. According to MPDFT, the platform does not provide any form of confirmation of legal parental...

Facial recognition technologies become popular and raise discussions

Facial recognition technologies are becoming more commercially viable thanks to lower systems costs and advances in artificial intelligence. On July 20, the Brazilian Credit Protection Service (SPC) released a service that allows store owners to check the identity of consumers...

Access to broadband Internet grows again in Brazilian homes

According to a survey performed by TIC Domicílios released by the Internet Management Committee (, access to Internet started to grow again in Brazilian homes, with a total of 42,1 million homes (61% of residences) and 120,7 million Brazilians connected in 2017, of...

IBM Survey: Costs with data violations in Brazil fall but country is the most likely to suffer attacks from hackers among surveyed

A survey from IBM Security looked into the financial impact of data violations in companies considering several cost drivers, including technical investigations, recovery, notifications, legal and regulatory activities, costs with loss of business and reputation. According to...
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