News & Recent Work


Opportunities | Major Oil & Gas Opportunity in Brazil

The Brazilian Government has announced its plans to hold the Production Sharing bidding round for the Surplus Volumes of Oil, Natural Gas and other Fluid Hydrocarbons, on October 2019, regarding the Atapu, Búzios, ltapu and Sépia areas in the Santos...

Final Report issued by the Joint Committee under Provisional Act 869/2018

Based on the opinions and positions expressed in the four (4) public hearings regarding Provisional Act (MP) nº 869/18, the Rapporteur of the Joint Committee for the appraisal of this legal document prepared a legislative report (Draft Law on Conversion - PLV), presenting his...

What to expect from the Joint Committee that will analyze the Provisional Act on the General Law of Data Protection?

TMT Team of Azevedo Sette Advogados, Ricardo Barretto Ferreira, Juliana Sene Ikeda, Lorena Pretti Serraglio, Vitor Koketu, Isabella Aragão | The public hearings that are debating the General Law for Data Protection ("LGPD"), Law Nº 13.709/2018, and its amendments introduced...

Risultato delle elezioni presidenziali Brasiliane può risultare in aumento delle opportunità di affari tra l’Italia e il Brasile

Domenica scorsa il Brasile ha eletto il suo prossimo presidente della repubblica, il candidato Jair Bolsonaro, del Partito Sociale Liberale (PSL), che ha sconfitto Fernando Haddad del Partito dei Lavoratori (PT), con una votazione in cui il vincitore ha avuto più di dieci...

Impacts of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation in Brazilian companies

By Paulo Brancher (partner) and Camila Taliberti (associate) The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR), approved in April 2016, will enter into force on May 25th, 2018 and will change the legal reality of companies that process personal data within...

50 years Azevedo Sette Advogados

On this 27th November, we are celebrating 50 years of history, with our ethics and professional excellence guiding us in every aspect of our legal practice. Founded in 1967 as a small law firm in Belo Horizonte, , we grew to 6 units (Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Goiânia, Rio...

Developments of Internet of Things in Brazil

By Ricardo Barretto Ferreira, Camila Taliberti and Vitor Koketu da Cunha In 1960, computers performed around four thousand calculations per second, weighed tons and would cost today USD 1.5 million. Nowadays, a basic smartphone accessible to a significant part of the...

The right to not forget freedom of speech

*By Camila Taliberti and Paulo Brancher In the recent years, there have proliferated cases before Brazilian and foreign courts where a certain person claims for the removal, de-indexation or non-disclosure of information about oneself in Google’s research results,...
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