News & Recent Work


Brazil's House Approves TIEA With U.S.


Brazilian Financial Institutions Consider Payment Schedule for Unpaid Social Taxes


Brazil's Retaliation Over U.S. Cotton May Include Royalty Tax


Brazil's Revenue Department to Strengthen Enforcement Efforts

Brazilian Federal Revenue Department (FRD) Chief Commissioner Otacilio Cartaxo is preparing to increase tax revenue by strengthening tax enforcement and compliance efforts. The focus will be on large taxpayers, including multinationals, as the FRD plans to open two new offices...

Latin America Markets – Global Economic Crisis and Opportunities

The most important elements of Latin American capital markets are low liquidity and high dependency on the U.S. capital markets. Latin American capital markets are quite recent in comparison with its North American or European equivalents, but have experienced a significant...

Brazilian Companies Putting Off Tax Payments to Sidestep Loan Interest

The gap between the interest rate that financial institutions pay on deposits and the higher rate they charge for loans is having a curious effect on corporate taxpayers. Many Brazilian companies are putting off tax payments, allowing interest to accrue, rather than taking out...

Brazil Issues New Customs Regulation

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has signed a decree that updates and consolidates all the customs regulations issued in the past six...

African Union-Brazil Technical Cooperation Agreement Enters Into Force

Brazil’s official gazette of February 6 published Presidential Decree 6,762/2009, which brings into force the African Union-Brazil technical cooperation agreement signed in Brasilia on February 28,...
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