News & Recent Work


New Brazilian tax obligation: The Country by Country Report. The BEPS initiative in Brazil.

*Leandra Guimarães and Luiza Vidal From 2017 (regarding the fiscal year of 2016) on, all legal entities resident in Brazil for tax purposes which are members of multinational enterprise (MNE) groups must be aware of a new tax obligation. It consists of the Country by...

Lessons from WannaCry cyberattack

By Camila Taliberti and Paulo Brancher On May 12, 2017, what has been considered the largest cyberattack in history occurred, reaching thousands of citizens, companies and public entities in more than 150 countries, including Brazil. The attack was conducted through a...

Software Protection in Brazil – Register or Not?

*Eduardo Ludmer Brazil is home to a thriving software industry which generates more than US$ 60 billion per year. Brazilian developers are reckoned as creative and smart, responsible for coming up with great solutions for easing the hurdles of daily life faced by Brazilians...

The Right to be Lonely

By Eduardo Ludmer* Just like a person has the right to be single, a legal entity must have the right to choose whether to associate with others or to conduct its business alone. It took some time for Brazil to finally allow a legal entity to be a single shareholder of...

Considerations on contracting Digital Influencers

By Paulo Brancher, Camila Taliberti Influence marketing is defined as the art and science of engaging people who are influent on the web for sharing posts of certain brand with their followers, in the form of sponsored content. Through the influence marketing, anonymous...

Reform of the Telecommunications Act in Brazil

The Brazilian Telecommunications Act (Law 9,742), enacted in 1997, brought important changes to the regulatory framework, which denationalised the state-owned telecommunication companies (the so-called Sistema Telebrás) and gave to the private sector the leading role for the...

Article | Commercial Contracts - Brazil


Azevedo Sette joins efforts with BKBG

With over four decades of history, 7 offices in the cities of São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Rio de Janeiro, Goiânia, Recife and Vitória, and a team of approximately 500 professionals, Azevedo Sette announces that it is joining efforts with Barretto Ferreira e...
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