News & Recent Work


C-Band Spectrum and 5G: a comparative international analysis

One of the most important bands for the deployment of 5G - considered “ideal” for fifth generation technology, mainly due to the combination of capacity and reach/penetration - is the 3.5 GHz band. Adjacent to the commercial C band, which starts at 3.4 GHz and goes up to...

5G in Brazil – Recent Developments

The fifth generation (5G) network is based on three pillars, which differentiate it from previous generations: higher connection speed, reduced latency time and broader and more efficient coverage. Such features make it possible to improve mobile broadband, lower energy...

Cybersecurity on Telecommunications Network

Every day, at every moment, it is possible to verify the occurrence of cyber threats such as ransomware, malware, phishing and spoofing attacks, DDoS, among other malicious conducts carried out on the web, which intend to make its users vulnerable to obtain undue advantages or...

Coronavirus prevention measures

Dear Clients and Friends, | We are following the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic with the utmost attention and care. In our office we have been advised several clients already on the risks and precaution matters related to COVID-19....

Azevedo Sette was once again recognized as 3rd most popular law firms among the 100 largest corporates in Latin America

Azevedo Sette was once again recognized as 3rd most popular law firms among the 100 largest corporates operating in Latin America by the LACCA’s research Who Represents Latin America’s Biggest Companies 2020 edition. The research takes into account news articles on deals...

Coronavirus and the massive processing of personal data around the world

First reported to the World Health Organization - WHO due to pneumonia of unknown cause detected in the city of Wuhan, China, on December 31, 2019, the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that causes mild to moderate respiratory infections in humans and animals, called...

The European Union decides on the need for data subjects active consent for the use of cookies

By Ricardo Barretto Ferreira, Juliana Ikeda, Lorena Pretti Serraglio, Isabella Aragão, Camila Chicaroni and Bruna Toniolo | In a recent ruling on privacy and the processing of personal data, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) considered that the consent...

Public Civil Suit proposed against the Federal Union and Ceará’s AMC sparks debate on the rise in legal demands regarding privacy and protection of personal data

The Federal District´s State Attorneys’ Office filed Public Civil Suit against the Federal Union and Ceará’s AMS (Autarquia Municipal de Trânsito – Municipal Traffic, Public Services and Citizenship Authority)....
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