Juliana Petrella Hansen
21May 2021
Our TMT practice, leaded by the senior partner Ricardo Barretto Ferreira, with the senior associate Juliana Gerbara Sene Ikeda, the Labour practice partner, Juliana Petrella Hansen and the Tax practice associate, Fabio Capelletti, are the author of "Transferring Employees on an...
21May 2021
Azevedo Sette’s partners Ricardo Barretto Ferreira and Juliana Petrella Hansen, and the senior associates Juliana Gebara Sene Ikeda, and Fabio Capelletti are authors of "Outsourcing: Brazil Overview" chapter, published by Thomson Reuters....
04Feb 2021
The main digital magazine on the legal and business sectors in Spain and Portugal, Iberian Lawyer, published article about our three new...
01Feb 2021
Committed to the development of our internal talents, it is with great satisfaction that we announce our three new partners: Bruno Felippe Almeida, Danielle Chipranski Cavalcante, and Juliana Petrella Hansen who work in the Tax Consulting, Dispute Resolution, and Labor areas,...
08Jul 2020
It was published on 07/07/2020, the Law 14,020/2020, which deals with the conversion of the PM 936/2020 published by the Federal Government to face the crisis brought by COVID-19 in the labor...
22Jun 2020
by Ricardo Barretto Ferreira, Azevedo Sette Advogados and other contributors: Alessandra Lima Ganz, Alessandra Martins de Souza (partners), Juliana Sene Ikeda, Danielle Chipranski Cavalcante, Fabio Capelletti, Ingrid Bandeira Santos, Juliana Petrella Hansen, Helena Virgili,...
06Apr 2020
The long-awaited Provisional Measure 936 was published April 1, 2020, instituting the Emergency Program of Employment and Income Maintenance, with application during the state of public...
27Mar 2020
On 03/22/2020, Provisional Act (MP) 927/2020 was issued, which brought important news to confront the state of public calamity due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), with the goal of establishing alternatives for coping with preserving the workers jobs and...