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Companies with foreign investment have until August 16 to declare their 2021 quinquennial census to the brazillian Central Bank

Every year the Central Bank conducts censuses on foreign investments in the country, with the objective of consolidating information on non-resident inflows of capital and general data on the foreign sector of the...

Temporary suspension of Covid-19 Vaccines Patents and its Effectiveness in Brazil

The current President of the United States, Joe Biden, has recently declared his support for the proposal presented by the governments of South Africa and India to the World Trade Organization (WTO) to temporarily suspend the industrial property rights of vaccines against the...

The Legal 500: Data Protection Country Comparative Guides | Brazil chapter

The Technology, Media and Telecommunication practice, lead by the senior partner Ricardo Barretto Ferreira, with Lorena Pretti Serraglio, Data Protection coordinator, the associates Camilla Lopes Chicaroni, Nariman Ferdinian Gonzalez and Isabella da Penha Lopes Santana are the...

An interview with Azevedo Sette Advogados discussing digital transformation in Brazil

Lexology GTDT Market Intelligence provides a unique perspective on evolving legal and regulatory landscapes. This interview is taken from the Digital Transformation volume discussing various topics, including a look at the main laws and regulations, the impact of cybersecurity...

The Digital Government Law

On Tuesday, March 30, Law No. 14,129 of March 29, 2021 (“Law No. 14,129/2021”) was published in the Brazilian Official Gazette (“DOU”), which provides for principles, rules and instruments for the Digital Government and the increase of the efficiency of the public...

Telecoms Series | Brazilian 5G Bidding Call - I - General Aspects

At its 896th Meeting held on February 25 of this year, the Board of Directors of the National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL), the agency that regulates telecommunications in Brazil, approved the proposal for a new version of the public notice of the 5G technology auction...

Camex Council approves negotiating mandate for Mercosur-Indonesia and Mercosur-Vietnam free trade agreements

The Trade Strategy Council (CEC) of the Chamber of Foreign Trade (Camex) approved, through Resolution CEC No. 1, of March 10, 2021, a negotiating mandate for potential Free Trade Agreements between Mercosur and Indonesia and between Mercosur and Vietnam, covering tariff and...

Brazilian corporations and limited liability companies must hold shareholders/quotaholders annual meeting until the end of April

Brazilian Companies have until April 30 to hold the annual shareholder´s general meeting. With the legal easing, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the holding of meetings, can be in digital or semi-presential form, facilitating the meetings....
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