05Sep 2018
Azevedo Sette is recognized as leading law firm in Telecommunications, Media, Technology, and references in Compliance, Competition and Antitrust, Corporate and M&A, Dispute resolution: Litigation, Environment, Insurance, International Trade and Customs, Labour and Employment,...
31Jul 2018
Published last July 9th at the Federal Official Gazette (D.O.U), Provisional Measure # 844/2018 aims at updating the legal framework for basic sanitation in Brazil by proposing amendments to Law # 9984/2000 (which provides for the organization of the National Water Department...
20Jul 2018
La aseguradora multinacional Mapfre reestructuró su joint venture con el Banco do Brasil (BB), con el objetivo de adquirir la participación de BB Seguridade, la filial aseguradora de la entidad financiera brasileña, en la división SH2 de pólizas patrimoniales y de...
11Jul 2018
Azevedo Sette Advogados has helped Spanish insurance company Mapfre buy out its Brazilian joint venture business partner BB Seguridade from local insurance provider BB Mapfre for 2.4 billion reais (US$636 million).
BB Seguridade, which is Banco do Brasil’s insurance arm,...
18Dec 2017
Our Corporate M&A and Compliance departments participated of Compliance & Regulatory Certification Training conducted by FLI NET, a Brussels-based hub of a global network of over 75 independent, national law firms.
The training is a full-day program intended for...
05Sep 2017
The Legal 500 guide published its edition 2017 and Azevedo Sette Advogados was recommended as reference in 14 practice areas: Banking and finance, Competition and antitrust, Compliance and anti-corruption, Corporate and M&A, Dispute resolution, Energy and natural resources...
25Jul 2017
Azevedo Sette Advogados estrenó julio con una nueva socia: se trata de Bruna Bouissou, quien fue promovida este mes a socia en la oficina de Belo Horizonte.
Bouissou integra desde 2008 la práctica de infraestructura, y ha asesorado clientes en licitaciones públicas y...