Leila Azevedo Sette
05Sep 2018
Azevedo Sette is recognized as leading law firm in Telecommunications, Media, Technology, and references in Compliance, Competition and Antitrust, Corporate and M&A, Dispute resolution: Litigation, Environment, Insurance, International Trade and Customs, Labour and Employment,...
09Aug 2018
Azevedo Sette was recognized by Chambers Latin America guide as reference in several...
09Apr 2018
Azevedo Sette once again ranked as leading law firm by Leaders League guide in 2018 edition in the legal practices...
05Sep 2017
The Legal 500 guide published its edition 2017 and Azevedo Sette Advogados was recommended as reference in 14 practice areas: Banking and finance, Competition and antitrust, Compliance and anti-corruption, Corporate and M&A, Dispute resolution, Energy and natural resources...