Our partners Luiz Eduardo Salles and Lucas Mandelbaum Bianchini and associates Luiza Nonato and Pedro Togniazzolo are authors of the chapter Brazil in the section Law and Practice in Chambers International Trade Global Practice Guide 2025. The book is now available to view online in the link https://practiceguides.chambers.com/practice-guides/international-trade-2025/brazil.
The guide provides the latest information on World Trade Organization (WTO) membership, plurilateral agreements, free trade agreements, authorities governing customs, sanctions, export controls, restricted persons, anti-dumping and countervailing (AD/CVD) duties and safeguard measures, subsidy and incentive programmes for domestic production, and geographical protections in high-profile jurisdictions.
To access the entire guide and our chapter(s) online, please use the following link https://practiceguides.chambers.com/practice-guides/international-trade-2025.