The Brazilian Federal Government will launch the Ombudsman for Direct Investments Portal this Thursday, April 25th. The Portal’s objective is to improve the business environment in Brazil and attract new investments through the establishment of a network between the government’s focal points of assistance and the foreign investors.
The OID will be launched at an event in São Paulo, together with the Panel "Governance of Foreign Investments in Brazil: what changes with the new Government? ". Our team will be represented at the event by Azevedo Sette’s International Trade Practice Group.
The creation and structure of the OID is provided for in Decree 9.770/2019, published in April. Investors will be able to consult the OID and seek the resolution of issues regarding the laws applicable to investments and corresponding administrative procedures. The Ombudsmanship is expected to act as a facilitator in the relation of investors and the government, contributing to the improvement of the investment environment in Brazil.
Azevedo Sette has full service capabilities to assist foreign investors in Brazil and provide further clarifications about this topic.
São Paulo, April 24, 2019.
Luiz Eduardo Salles,
Ingrid Bandeira Santos,
Lucas Mandelbaum Bianchini,