Azevedo Sette Advogados announces new partners in the areas of TMT, Litigation and Real Estate

Azevedo Sette Advogados announces new partners in the areas of TMT, Litigation and Real Estate

We are pleased to announce that the lawyers Piero Sellan, Rodrigo Tambuque Rodrigues and Sergio Mirisola Soda are new partners of the São Paulo office and Cintia Robin is new consultant. They are professionals with broad market recognition considered references in their respective areas of expertise.  

Piero comes to add to our TMT - Technology, Media and Telecommunications and Privacy and Data Protection practices with his experience of more than 20 years, mainly in regulatory, contractual and competition issues, focusing on the telecommunications, audiovisual and new technologies sector, having participated in major mergers and acquisitions operations in the media and telecom sectors.  

The new partner is a graduate of Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie and has a specialization in Law and Economics from the University of Buenos Aires – UBA and a postgraduate degree in Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law from Escola Superior da Advocacia - ESA OAB/SP.  

He served as an executive in the legal department of multinational companies in the banking and media, telecommunications and technology sectors, as a legal specialist in the Ministry of Finance, in the Secretariat of Economic Monitoring (SEAE-MF) and as a coordinating partner of the TMT practice in recognized offices in the area of business law, always with an emphasis on TMT, Regulatory Law, Competition, Government Relations and transactional advice in complex and strategic negotiations.  

He will continue his successful career at Azevedo Sette, working in an integrated manner with the partners Ricardo Barretto Ferreira da Silva and Danielle Chipranski Cavalcante.  

Rodrigo is our new partner in Litigation and Real Estate, areas that have been operating for more than 19 years, focusing mainly on corporate and real estate civil litigation, having advised numerous clients and highly complex projects in a highly personalized manner. He also acts strongly with the State and Superior Courts in lawsuits.  

He has deep experience in litigation involving corporate matters (such as partial and total dissolution of a company with determination of assets, accountability action, execution of a specific obligation contained in a partner or shareholder agreement, etc.), real estate developments and subdivisions, in addition to advisory services, lato sensu, and shopping malls. His experience ranges from managing a portfolio of lawsuits—eviction, renovation, revision, enforcement of extrajudicial instruments, and indemnity, among others—to advisory services in contracts and condominium institutions.  

The partner is a graduate of Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. He holds a postgraduate degree in Corporate Law from FGV/SP and in Environmental Law from PUC/SP. He is a member of the GRI Club (Global Real Estate Brazil Institute) and its Legal Committee. He was an assistant professor of the specialization course in Environmental Law and acted as a coordinating partner in the practice of business and real estate litigation in recognized business law offices.  

Rodrigo will work alongside Sergio, a partner who returns to Azevedo Sette to lead our civil litigation, real estate and middle market portfolios.  

With more than 18 years of experience in lawsuits involving civil liability, copyrights, class actions and real estate claims, Sérgio stands out for his ability to combine technique with results aligned with customer needs, having acted in major lawsuits for companies in the retail, automotive, technology and infrastructure sectors, among others.  

Postgraduate in Civil Liability from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV/SP) and graduated from the Faculty of Law of Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Sergio is recognized in the Análise Advocacia 500 guide as a reference for companies in the Automotive and Auto Parts sector and the International Benchmark Litigation as a highlight in Litigation in Brazil  

In addition to our three new partners, we are pleased to announce the inclusion of Cíntia Robin on our advisory board. With more than 20 years of experience advising clients on complex tax issues and developing succession and international estate planning strategies, Cíntia stands out for her multidisciplinary profile, acquired throughout her career in global markets.  

Cíntia holds a masters degree (LL.M.) in International Taxation from Maastricht University in the Netherlands, with a full scholarship sponsored by the university and a specialization in International Taxation from FGV/SP. Her training also includes a Foreign Trade course at Aduaneiras and a postgraduate degree in Tax Law at PUC/SP. In addition, she has a technical background in Accounting, which further expands her expertise.  

Throughout her professional career, Cíntia has accumulated a robust international career, with experience in several European countries, including Luxembourg, where she served as a senior consultant in global consulting companies. She also attended a course on international treaties in Poland and did an internship in the Netherlands.  

In addition, 12 new lawyers, with excellent performance and training in their areas, are coming to compose our staff.  

"We are extremely happy to bring new talents who come to add value to our already competent team of professionals and have the same DNA of serving the customer well. We are certain that the new partners and lawyers will contribute in a very relevant way to the continued sustained growth of Azevedo Sette Advogados, "says the senior partner, Luiz A. Sette.  

About Azevedo Sette Advogados 

Ethics, quality and respect are the values inherent to the performance of Azevedo Sette Advogados. Founded in 1967, today we have 45 partners, more than 300 lawyers and 211 staff members, a total of more than 500 members. We are proud to have built, over more than five decades, a history of solidity, ethics, credibility and excellence in the provision of legal services.  

We are recognized as the fourth most remembered law firm by the legal and financial departments of the 100 largest companies in revenue and the 50 largest banks in assets in Latin America, according to the 2023 and 2024 editions of LACCA (Latin America Corporate Counsel Alliance), in addition to mentions as a reference in Brazil, in several areas of law, by the main publications and legal rankings in the world.