On November 27, we complete 54 years of history. From an office inaugurated in 1967 with a single lawyer, our founding partner Ordélio Azevedo Sette, we arrive in 2021 with 43 partners and more than 500 staff members in a national full service operation, with 6 offices in Brazil, and having the honor to be considered, since 2019, one of the three most remembered firms among the legal, financial and compliance executives of the 1000 largest companies in terms of revenue of Latin America (Whos Who Represents survey, organized by LACCA - Latin American Corporate Counsel Association).
We thank all our clients, partners and suppliers for their confidence and all our competent team for the accomplishments of this year; together we build up the next 50 years.
Despite these challenging times, we keep renewing and growing! Watch our commemorative video that summarizes the year 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzRSDTo7g-o.